Steve + Jillian Engagement | Aurora Ontario

In Engagements by Sheldon

Reason #2394 why I love photography is that I get to not only meet many people and capture special moments in their lives but also making new friends.  This is the case with Steve.  We met not too long ago and both have a real love for photography.

Steve and I talk at length about equipment, trends, and then he mentioned that he’s getting married. Wicked.  So he hired the Photosapien to shoot his wedding.

Steve told me Jillian is a little shy in front of the camera so I was glad when they agreed to do an engagement session.  It’s the best way for everyone involved to get comfortable before the wedding day.  Although I think Steve and I will be friends after the wedding, I think he was lying to me about Jillian’s shyness. She was an absolute rockstar on this day! She posed, followed directions, looked great and braved the cold!

I cannot wait for their big day.

~SI “Your Friendly Neighbourhood” Photosapien