Cleveland Not Ohio | Aurora Portrait Photography

In Portraits by Sheldon

Sometimes as a photographer you just get the urge. You know THAT urge. You need to get a camera in your hands and find SOMETHING to shoot.  It’s not like other professions where you cannot act on those urges immediately. For example, if I was a Doctor I couldn’t just ask to cut someone open to examine their intestines.  Or if I was a Mechanic, I couldn’t convince someone that I need to dismantle their car’s head gasket just cuz I was itchin to get my grease monkey on. Thank God for photography.

My family was hosting the weekly Sunday dinner hang out and my future Brother-In-Law, Cleveland, allowed me to utilize my itchy trigger finger.  The results were great and it was good practice for he and my camera to get to know one another considering that I’m shooting his wedding in 2012!

I can’t wait for the engagement shoot!

SI the “Itchin For A Scratch” Photosapien